Scrapped, Abandoned and Unexplained Plans: Part 4 Yugioh had several planned things throughout the anime and real-life TCG but was eventually scrapped. Let's look at a few!

Yugioh had several planned things throughout the anime and real-life TCG but was eventually scrapped or realized. It also contains things that we, the audience, felt needed an explanation. In addition, the game and anime also include several mysteries. I thought it would be fun to make a compilation of them. This is the fourth part of a series!

Missing Duels - Zexal

Iyuma vs Quintonn several openings of Zexal, some things occurred that didn't happen in the actual episode. For example, one opening features Yuma dueling Quinton, which didn't happen in the entire show's run. In addition, one of the openings shows Kaito dueling Yuma in the Sphere Field. That too never happened, but instead, Yuma did duel against Vetrix in a similar field. Were these duels originally planned but were scrapped after the opening was made?

Scrapped Character, Alco - Zexal

Balcoefore the deletion from the NAS website, Zexal episodes 130, 131 and 132 featured a completely different episode preview. Episode 130 and 131's previews hint at a brand new character known as Alco called himself the "Barian Observer." Nothing else is known about him except that he was the one who gave Kaito "The Closed Eight" card to fight against Mizar.

Jasmine and Mindy - GX

Both Jasmine & Mindy functioned similarly to Syrus and Chumley, where they were a close friend to a certain character. In the early episode of GX, these two characters had a surprisingly large amount of screen time despite being minor characters, especially when compared to Chazz's friends. Furthermore, their first few appearances implied that they were capable duelists, which even Alexis reinforced.

However, halfway through Season 1, they got turned into background characters and their dueling skills were severely underplayed. Their friendship with the main group also suffered. In the first half of season 1, they had many interactions with Jaden's group and were on friendly terms. However, after the 1st half of Season 1, the main group seems to act as if they don't know them. It's unclear whether the writers originally had bigger plans for them, but at least Jasmine got an episode that featured her. Mindy, on the other hand, got nothing...

Aki, Ruka and Rua's Turbo Duelling - 5D

Aaki turbo duelt the beginning of Season 2 of Yugioh 5D, several storylines were developed for Aki, Rua, and Ruka. One storyline that all three characters had was learning how to turbo duel. This was also Aki's main storyline during the Pre-WRGP arc. It spanned multiple episodes. It seems like the three are finally going to turbo duel regularly, right?

Aki only had two turbo duels in the whole show. One was while she was training, and her second and official one resulted in a loss. Rua & Ruka only had one turbo duel. What's worst about Rua and Ruka's case is that the skateboard device they used for Turbo Duel disappeared from the show until it randomly returned in the Ark Cradle Arc. From how the narrative was written, it definitely seems like the three characters were originally meant to participate in the Turbo Duel more. Perhaps they were even supposed to be active contestants in the WRGP arc.

NEX and Metamorphosis - GX

clay guardianIn season 1, Jaden introduced "Elemental HERO Neo Bubbleman" to us. To summon the card, he used Metamorphosis to Tribute Bubbleman to summon Neo Bubbleman. Later in Season 2, Jaden used Metamorphosis again to Summon Elemental HERO Clay Guardian, an upgraded form of Clayman. Elemental HERO Bubbleman and Elemental HERO Clayman were one of Jaden's original 5 Elemental Hero.

The five original Elemental HEROes were Burstinatrix, Sparkman, Avian, Clayman, Bubbleman. If Metamorphosis didn't get banned in real-life, we might have gotten the upgrade forms for the other OG Elemental HERO monsters. 

Similar to the situation above, in Season 3, Jaden introduced the NEX Spell Card. This card upgrades the Neo-Spacian into their retrained Fusion form. Seeing how NEX contains all six Neo-Spacian monsters, it seems like Jaden will eventually showcase all six retrained versions. However, only two retrained Neo-Spacian were ever shown.

Sky Pegasus - Zexal

 In Zexal 2, we were introduced "Number 44: Sky Pegasus". Unlike most Number cards, this card was hyped like crazy in the main story. The anime version of Sky Pegasus also featured so many effects. The card even came with its own little lore/prophecy where it was stated that it represents a pegasus that once served a legendary hero. That legendary hero was implied to be Utopia since they have a similar color scheme and one opening even features Utopia riding Sky Pegasus. Like I mentioned before, the anime version of Sky Pegasus had many effects.

However, one effect was never shown despite being written on the card itself. The effect to equip itself to another Number monster. I think originally, Sky Pegasus would've been Yuma's secondary ace. He would Summon Sky Pegasus and equip it to Utopia, which would show Utopia riding it.

Sherry's Involvement - 5D

At thesherry beginning of Yugioh 5D season 2, we were introduced to Sherry. She was hyped to be a powerful duelist. Her backstory and motive seem to signify that she's going to be a key player in the show. Her debut duel against Yusei resulted in a draw. The episode ended, foreshadowing that the two would have a rematch in the future in the WRGP tournament.

However, that never happened. Instead, she lost to some duel-bots, was transported to the future and was never seen again until the final arc. Her only importance in the story was serving as a replacement for Zone's fallen minion, Paradox. In addition, Sherry's debut also inspired Aki to start learning how to turbo duel. It was even hinted that they might duel against each other during the WRGP arc. However, that never happened. At least they got to duel each other in the Ark Cradle arc.

Scrapped Character, Proto - Zexal

In the original episode summary for Zexal episode 125, a character named Proto was supposed to debut. The episode summary merely states that he's a mysterious boy who warned Yuma that the Numbers shouldn't exist in this world. The summary also indicated that Proto would have debuted the SXyz monster (Shining Xyz monsters) against Yuma. However, as the plot was changed last minute, Proto and Shining Xyz were scrapped altogether. It should be noted that Shining Xyz did appear in the Zexal manga.

Other Scrapped Characters and Monsters - Zexal

In some other episode summary, a Card Collector character had the monster Number 12: Dix, the Magician of Truth. That character was replaced with Yamikawa and his Number 12 Armoured Ninja Crimson Shadow. Furthermore, there was a tag duel between Yuma & Kite against Vetrix and Quinton where Vetrix would have used Number 5: Emperor of Infinite Despair in the duel. Hilarious enough, Number 5: Emperor of Infinite Despair ended up getting scrapped and replaced with Number 5: Doom Chimera Dragon, but Doom Chimera Dragon never actually appeared in the anime, as only its Chaos form was shown.

Scrapped Movie - GX

sartoriousGX Season 2 had an interesting backstory. Originally, the storyline was pitched as a movie where the GX gang would travel to Domino City and meet up with Yugi and Joey. Sartorius wanted to defeat both Yugi and Jaden. The two will eventually tag duel against Sartorius, beating him. The film was rejected, and the ideas were recycled for GX Season 2, minus the appearance of Yugi and Joey. Had the movie been greenlit, what would it be like? Furthermore, what would GX Season 2 be about? Was Edo Phoenix going to play a role in the movie? 

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