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480 330
Antimeta Edison (March 2010) A very nice and versatile Antimeta Stun deck to play in Edison (March 2010 banlist) format!
- 2 years ago
1,984 0
Non-Meta Decks
600 450
Antimeta (March 2012) An Antimeta Stun deck which gave its best at the end of my best period from 2009 to 2012, giving me a lot of joy and wins!
- 2 years ago
857 0
Fun/Casual Decks
330 270
Exodia (Sept 2012) The final and strongest version of my Exodia deck at the end of my best playing period from 2009 to 2012.
- 2 years ago
1,431 0
Fun/Casual Decks
660 660
Exodia 2022 An Exodia deck which draws like crazy and stuns the opponent (2022)
- 2 years ago
10,545 0
Fun/Casual Decks
360 210
Exodia Edison (March 2010) An Exodia Deck to be played in Edison format (March 2010 banlist), based on drawing and blocking.
- 2 years ago
2,248 0
Non-Meta Decks
510 930
Temporary Antimeta This is the version I'm currently running and improving, actually looks better than the one initially identified as the definitive goal.
- 2 years ago
2,427 0