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Pure nordic in 2022 PURE Nordic in 2022? Fun control deck that tries to endlessly float it Aesir monsters, so that you can beat the opponent down as they run out of cards
- 1 year ago
3,778 0
Non-Meta Decks
750 390
Qli June 2022 A slow control deck that can snowball out of control and end the game with the powerful Towers.
- 2 years ago
1,294 0
Non-Meta Decks
540 360
Earth Machine A fun combo deck all about generating and recurring its resources to get a quick turn 3 win or play for the grind game.
- 2 years ago
1,191 0
Non-Meta Decks
450 480
Earth machines post DIFO This is my new list for standard infinitrack, machina, trains for post may ban list and post DIFO
- 2 years ago
1,536 0