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The Hearts Of The Legendary Dragons This is one of the decks that you use while playing as Yami Atem in The Legacy Of The Duelists.
- 3 years ago
4,697 0
Anime Decks
120 60
Firing A Catapult This is one of the decks that you use while playing as Yami Atem in The Legacy Of The Duelists.
- 3 years ago
933 0
Anime Decks
150 180
A Fiend's Sanctuary This is one of the decks that you use while playing as Yami Atem in The Legacy Of The Duelists.
- 3 years ago
1,077 0
Anime Decks
210 240
The Female Dark Magician This is one of the decks that you use while playing as Yami Atem in The Legacy Of The Duelists.
- 3 years ago
1,619 0
Anime Decks
210 90
Exodia, You Should Use "Obliterate"! This is one of the decks that you use while playing as Yami Atem in The Legacy Of The Duelists.
- 3 years ago
1,455 0
Anime Decks
240 210
Destroying The Deck This is one of the decks that you use while playing as Yami Atem in The Legacy Of The Duelists.
- 3 years ago
1,409 0