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john benedictmanangan

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450 240
Raid-Diminion Basically its a raidraptor deck specializing in Summoning Xyz not that you can figured it out
john benedictmanangan
- 4 years ago
1,303 1
Fun/Casual Decks
270 60
Zw utopia Just got finally to upload this
john benedictmanangan
- 6 years ago
4,176 1
Fun/Casual Decks
270 60
zw utopia I was inspired by zexal i was determined
john benedictmanangan
- 6 years ago
2,225 0
Fun/Casual Decks
90 150
Black wing deck (my main deck) This deck is the one i used
john benedictmanangan
- 6 years ago
6,034 0
Fun/Casual Decks
450 180
Offense deck (defensive and attack) Just thought i make a new deck
john benedictmanangan
- 6 years ago
3,058 0
Fun/Casual Decks
120 30
Exodia the lord Was interested and just made it
john benedictmanangan
- 6 years ago
8,768 0