Ninja_Trash Avatar


I make trash decks for a trash game, it's simple as that.

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Fun/Casual Decks
570 450
Ancient Gear 2020 Simple but blunt Ancient Gear OTK deck.
- 3 years ago
2,849 0
Fun/Casual Decks
540 330
Heraldic Time Thief A surprisingly synergetic duo, Time thiefs combine their swarming potential with the Heraldics to make for a fun and interesting Rank 4 spam deck.
- 3 years ago
1,808 0
Fun/Casual Decks
600 510
Evilswarm An oldie but a goodie, Evilswarms work as a fun control and lockdown deck that has prevalant plays going first AND second.
- 3 years ago
2,261 0
Non-Meta Decks
630 690
Danger! Dark World 2020 Take advantage of the natural synergy between Danger! and Dark World monsters to build field precense and imposing monsters.
- 3 years ago
4,054 0
Non-Meta Decks
630 540
Volcanic Timelords Combines the burn of timelords with the burn and monster nuking of Volcanics.
- 3 years ago
1,139 1
Fun/Casual Decks
690 330
Genex (Post Sept. 2020 Banlist) Yes, you heard me right...Genex. You can thank Halqifibrax for making all this possible.
- 3 years ago
1,880 0