Soulburst200 Avatar


I'm a long term duelist mainly focused on bringing Gizmek to the competitive scene. I love helping others with deckbuilding advice.

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Fun/Casual Decks
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Time Wizard Turbo Silly deck that can spam out 5 Time Wizard/Time Wizard of Tomorrow in a single turn.
- 1 year ago
1,504 0
Non-Meta Decks
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Dogmatika Zoa Punisher Set up a bunch of disruption alongside White Zoa and either a fully loaded Bayonet punisher or Utopic Future for an assault.
- 1 year ago
2,877 0
Meta Decks
300 300
Branded Simorgh V2 Updated Version of the original decklist
- 1 year ago
2,700 0
Non-Meta Decks
420 360
Ritual-ACE Amorphactor Pain & Rescue-ACE Turbulance set up hard to break 1st turn lockdown. Also happens to be Anti-Spright because of Drytron Fafnir.
- 1 year ago
3,327 0
Non-Meta Decks
180 210
Spright Ghostrick Lockdown Spright that stop level 4 or higher monsters from being summoned, do Toxic Cyber stein things, and can play secret village of the spellcasters. All wh
- 1 year ago
4,576 5
Non-Meta Decks
390 540
Branded Simorgh Albaz strike boosted with Despia and a Simorgh engine, Still in earlier testing stages but has become consistent enough to put more time into.
- 1 year ago
2,290 4